Tag Archives | Deccan

Political Condition of the Deccan before the Entry of the Mughals

In the beginning of the sixteenth century, there were seven principal states in the Deccan namely: (i) Khandesh (ii) Berar (iii) Ahmednagar, image source: store.metmuseum.org/content/ebiz/themetstore/invt/80026841/80026841_01_l.jpg (iv) Bijapur (v) Golkunda, (vi) Bidar and (vii) Vijayanagar Of the seven states, five were the offshoots of the Bahamni Kingdom which came to an end in 1538. The kingdoms were split into [...]

By |2015-07-18T12:31:01+05:30November 29, 2014|History of India|Comments Off on Political Condition of the Deccan before the Entry of the Mughals

States of the Deccan and South India

In northern Maharashtra and Vidarbha (Berar), the Satavahanas were succeeded by the Vakatakas, a local power. The Vakatakas, who were brahmanas themselves, are known from a large number of copperplate land grants issued by them. They were great champions of the brahmanical religion and performed numerous Vedic sacrifices. Image Source: antiquaprintgallery.com/ekmps/shops/richben90/images/india-the-royal-necropolis-at-golconda-hyderabad-deccan-c1880-75800-p.jpg Their political history is more linked to [...]

By |2015-08-08T11:47:31+05:30October 8, 2014|History of India|Comments Off on States of the Deccan and South India
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