Tag Archives | Dynasties

Downfall of the Tughluq Dynasty: 6 Causes | Indian History

The causes which led to the downfall of Tughluq dynasty are:- 1. The Annexation of the South 2. The Failures of Muhammad Tughluq 3. The Weaknesses of Firuz Tughluq 4. Incompetence of the Successors of Firuz 5. The Incompetence and Demoralization of the Nobility 6. Invasion of Timur. Cause # 1. The Annexation of the South: Ghiyas-ud-din Tughluq adopted the [...]

By |2017-03-08T18:48:45+05:30March 8, 2017|Tughluq Dynasty|Comments Off on Downfall of the Tughluq Dynasty: 6 Causes | Indian History

Top 10 Rajput Kings of India | Indian History

In this article we have compiled a list of top ten Rajput kings who ruled over Northern India. They are: 1. King Bhoja (1000-Nearly 1055 A.D.) 2. Prithviraja III Alias Rai Pithora (Nearly 1178-1192 A.D.) 3. Vijayasena (1095-1158 A.D) 4. Dharmapala (770-810 A.D.) 5. Devapala (810-850 A.D.) 6. Mahipala I (988-1120 A.D.) 7. Mahipala (912-944 A.D.) 8. Yaso Varman (Nearly [...]

By |2016-12-09T10:45:42+05:30December 9, 2016|Rajputs|Comments Off on Top 10 Rajput Kings of India | Indian History

Top 25 Rulers of the South India | Indian History

In this article we have compiled a list of top twenty-five rulers of South India. They are: 1. Pulakesin II (610 or 611-642 A.D.) 2. Vikramaditya I (655-681 A.D.) 3. Dantidurga (753-758 A.D.) 4. Krishna I (758-773 A.D.) 5. Govinda II (773-780 A.D.) 6. Dhruva (780-793 A.D.) 7. Govinda III (793-814 A.D.) 8. Sarva or Amoghavarsha I (814-878 A.D.) 9. [...]

By |2016-12-09T10:45:42+05:30December 9, 2016|South Indian Kingdoms|Comments Off on Top 25 Rulers of the South India | Indian History
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