Tag Archives | Gupta Age

Gupta Age: Politics, Developments and Literature

The Guptas ruled over India from 3rd country A.D. to 6th century A.D. with their capital at Pataliputra. The Gupta Age ushered in a new era in Indian history. Its uniqueness lay in the fact that during this period some of the world's best specimens in art, literature, philosophy, astronomy and science were produced. That is why the Age has [...]

By |2015-08-08T09:07:46+05:30January 16, 2015|Gupta Period|Comments Off on Gupta Age: Politics, Developments and Literature

The Gupta Age: Dynasty, Political Unity and Administration

The Gupta Age of the Indian history is compared to the Periclean Age of ancient Greece, the Augustan Era of ancient Rome, and the Elizabethan Age of medieval England for its splendor and excellence in the realms of culture. It was an age of all-round cultural progress. In the spheres of religion, literature, philosophy, science, architecture, sculpture, art, astronomy, mathematics, [...]

By |2015-08-08T11:27:10+05:30November 29, 2014|History of India|Comments Off on The Gupta Age: Dynasty, Political Unity and Administration

System of Administration During Gupta Age

In contrast to the Maurya rulers, the Gupta kings adopted pompous titles such asparameshvara, maharajadhiraja, and paramabhattaraka which signify that they ruled over many lesser kings in their empire. Kingship was hereditary, but royal power was limited by the want of a firm adherence to primogeniture. The throne did not always go to the eldest son, creating uncertainties of which [...]

By |2015-08-08T11:48:36+05:30October 8, 2014|History of India|Comments Off on System of Administration During Gupta Age
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