Tag Archives | Turkey

Historical Information on The Turks (546 – 704 A. D.)

Read this article to learn about the Turks. Evolution of the Turks: One of the Hunnish tribes was known as the Kau-She (Kankali, Ting- Ling, Tikalik ) tribe. Kau-She means large cart and the tribe acquired this name because they moved about with their belongings on large wheeled carts. Such carts were common among the Turks and the Mongols. We [...]

By |2015-09-01T18:22:20+05:30August 31, 2015|Asia|Comments Off on Historical Information on The Turks (546 – 704 A. D.)

History of Modern Turkey

History of Modern Turkey! Turkey had fought the World War I on the side of Germany and Austria-Hungary. Like her Allies, she was also defeated and the Treaty of Sevres of 1920 was imposed on her. By this Treaty the Arab State of Hedjaz was nominally freed but put under British control. Armenia was created into a Christian Republic and [...]

By |2015-08-08T13:11:28+05:30March 13, 2014|History of Turkey|Comments Off on History of Modern Turkey
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