Tag Archives | India

Taj Mahal: Short Essay on Taj Mahal

Read This Short Essay on Taj Mahal! The Taj Mahal, a materialized vision of loveliness marks a perfect indelible mark in the architecture of Mogul period. This building stands on a bend on the right bank of river Yamuna at Agra presently situated in Uttar Pradesh state. This is the mausoleum of Emperor Shah Jahan's beloved wife, the empress Arjuman [...]

By |2018-05-24T16:55:58+05:30May 24, 2018|Essay|Comments Off on Taj Mahal: Short Essay on Taj Mahal

Forts in India: 5 Magnificent Ancient Forts in India

Read this article to learn about Forts in India: 5 Magnificent Ancient Forts in India! 1. Fort at Agra, 1566 C.E: Fort of Agra also is called Lal Qila (Red fort). It has got long political history and was captured by many kings for its great treasure including Kohinoor diamond. Earlier, it was a brick fort built and used by [...]

By |2018-05-24T16:55:58+05:30May 24, 2018|Art and Architecture|Comments Off on Forts in India: 5 Magnificent Ancient Forts in India

List of Indian Monuments (From Ancient to Medieval India)

Here is a List of Indian Monuments (From Ancient to Medieval India) 1. Asoka Pillars, Early Rock-Cut Caves and Early Temples (250 B.C.E to 700 B.C.E): Asoka was an independent emperor of Mauryan dynasty who ruled almost all India including present Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh. After the severe war over Kalinga (the present state of Orissa) and after witnessing huge [...]

By |2018-05-24T16:55:58+05:30May 24, 2018|Art and Architecture|Comments Off on List of Indian Monuments (From Ancient to Medieval India)
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