The result of the Second World War was very furious. The whole Europe became colourless.

The Fascism and the came to an end. Many countries in Europe had suffered an economical loss.

It is too difficult to revive from this economical crisis. So this new world had to get a new experience. These were the changes.


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End of Dictatorship:

Dictatorship came to an end after the Second World War. Fascism from Italy and Nazism from Germany were completely abolished. Japan had lost not only his two famous cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki but also put an end to the dictatorship. This brought a new signal for whole world. So it created a new sign for the world.

Financial Crisis:

After the Second World War the new emerging countries also suffered terribly. The economy of these countries was shattered. These countries were England, France, Germany, Italy and Holland. This fallen economy created many hindrances on the path of progress of these centuries.

Establishment of the U.N.O.:

After the Second World War, the U.N.O. was born to keep world peace. It was formed in 1945 just after the end of the Second World War. It tried to maintain peace among different countries of the world.

Rise of Democracy:


Most of the European countries which believed in imperialism and autocracy had accepted Democracy after the Second World War. The palace of democracy was established on the broken tower of autocracy. The people in Germany and Italy also accepted democracy. Many countries also followed it. Thus, a great change took place in European Politics.

Division of Germany:

Germany was divided in 1949. It was divided into East Germany and West Germany. A great wall was raised in Berlin. This Berlin Wall divided Germany into East Germany and West Germany made Germany weaker and weaker.

Independence of Different Countries:

After the Second World War many countries got independence which was under Germany. These countries were Hungery, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Rumania, Bulgaria etc. Gradually these newly independent countries got the support from Soviet Russia.

Rise of Communism:

Communism occupied a unique position in the new World after the Second World War. By taking the golden opportunity, Stalin wanted to influence these weaker European countries. It made the U.S.A. angry.

Establishment of Capitalism:


In order to reduce the power of Communalism, the United States of America came forward. It followed the policy of Capitalism. By giving financial assistance to the other. European countries, USA tried to dominate over these countries, so it gave a great challenge to Soviet Russia.

Emergence of two great power blocs:

Two power blocs came into existence after the Second World War. The United States of America and Soviet Russia became two Super Powers. They tried to dominate over other countries in their own way. Ultimately, it gave a headache to the world.

New War:

The World after the Second World War got a new message for another war. This war was neither the war of sophisticated weapons nor the war of atoms. It was the indirect war between Russia and United States of America. They wanted to exhibit their power indirectly by helping the countries economically and militarily. It was just to disturb the world peace and its result was far reaching.

However, after the Second World War, the new world was formed. Instead of establishing peace it created a disturbing atmosphere. Man always tried to get respite from it. The U.N.O. tried its best to deal with this situation.

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